
Śrīpāṭa of Śrī Govinda Cakravartī, disciple of Śrīnivāsa Ācārya

Mahulā is situated in the district of Murshidābād. One can get down at Sāragāchi station by train from Seāldaha, Rāṇāghāṭa, Krishnanagar and other stations and from there at a distance of three kilometers one can come to this Śrīpāṭa. This is the Śrīpāṭa of Śrī Govinda Cakravartī, disciple of Śrīnivāsa Ācārya. He was famous by the name of Bhābuka Cakravartī. He left Mahulā and settled his residence at Borākuli village. This has been described in Śrī Bhakati Ratnākara (14/92)-

śrī govinda yaiche ācāryera śiṣya hailā
mahulā haite yaiche borākuli āilā

Śrī Govinda became a disciple of Śrīnivāsa Ācārya. He came to Borākuli from Mahulā and settled his residence here.

Here, there is a temple of Śrī Kṛṣṇa-Balarāma. These two Deities are being served here like one’s own self. Big festivals are celebrated here on the occasion of Dola-pūrṇimā and Janmāṣṭamī. It is known from a reliable source and told by the worshipers that these Deities have been worshiped since twelve generations. But it is not known whether there is any connection the Deities have with Mahāprabhu or any of His associates and it is also not known who has installed these Deities. The worshipers are also unable to say anything in this matter.
