

Śrīpāṭa of Śrīnivāsa Ācārya, the manifestation Form of Śrī Gaurāṅga Mahāprabhu

Yājigrāma is near Kāṭwā and situated in the district of Bardhamān. One can come to Kāṭwā by train from Bandel. From there by Kāṭwā-Bardhamān narrow- gauge railway track or by bus, at a distance of three kilometers, one can come to this Śrīpāṭa which is adjacent to the road.

This is the Śrīpāṭa of Śrīnivāsa Ācārya, the manifestation form of Śrī Gaurāṅga Mahāprabhu. This place was the residence of Śrīnivāsa Ācārya’s maternal grand-father. After his father passed away, Śrīnivāsa Ācārya came to Yājigrāma from Cākhandī and set up his residence here. This has been described in Śrī Bhakti Ratnākara (3/19-20)-

kichudina pare śrīnivāsa mahāśaya
yājigrāme gelā mātāmahera ālaya

yukti sthira karilena mātāra sahita
yājigrāme bāsa ebe hayata’ ucita

After a few days Śrīnivāsa Ācārya went to Yājigrāma to his maternal grand-father’s house. He consulted with his mother and thought perhaps it would be better to settle in Yājigrāma.

This has also been described in the fourth vilāsa of Śrī Premavilāsa book-

kataka divasa cākhandīte bāsa kari
āilena yājigrāme sthāna tyāga kari

phālguna māsa pañcamīte karilena basati
grāmera jamidāra sane sākṣāta samprati

teja dekhi jamidāra karila ādara
ei grāme bāsa kara kari diye ghara

grāmera paścima-bhāge ālaya sundara

After living for some days in Cākhandī, he came to Yājigrāma. He met with the zamindar of that village and settled his residence on the fifth day of the Phālguna month (February). The zamindar, by seeing his bodily lustre, received him nicely and told him to reside here. He built a nice house for him on the western side of the village.

Śrīnivāsa Ācārya Ṭhākura married Gopāla-dāsa Cakravartī’s daughter, Draupadī Devī, who was a resident of Yājigrāma. After the marriage, she was given the name Īśvarīdevī. Later, Śrīnivāsa Ācārya Ṭhākura also accepted Raghunātha Cakravartī’s daugh- ter, Gaurāṅga Priyā, as his wife. They were the resi- dents of Gopālapura village in the district of Bāṅkuḍā. He begot two sons, Vṛndāvana Candra and Rādhā Kṛṣṇa, from his first wife. He begot one son and three daughters from his second wife. The son’s name was Gatigovinda and names of the three daughters were Hemalatā, Kṛṣṇa Priyā and Kāñcana Latikā. Among them Hemalatā Ṭhākurāṇī became famous in the Vaiṣṇava world. Śrīnivāsa Ācārya Ṭhākura exhibited many pastimes in Yājigrāma.

Once upon a time Śrī Rāmacandra Kavirāja, after getting married, was passing by near Prabhu’s house. It has been described in Bhakti Ratnākara (8/519-521)-

ekadina ācārya ṭhākura yājigrāme
sarovara taṭe gelā bāḍira paścime

gaṇa-saha vaise tathā-teja surya prāya
sakaruṇa nayane pathera pāne cāya

dekhe ekajana divya dolāra upara
susajje vivāha kari yāya nija ghara

One day Ācārya Ṭhākura went to the bank of the lake situated on the western side of his house in Yājigrāma. He was sitting there with his associates under the hot sun and glanced upon the road with pitiful eyes. He saw one celestial person with beautiful dress, riding on a palanquin, was returning to his own house just after getting married.

Rāmacandra Kavirāja, getting down from the palanquin, took rest at the bank of the lake. At that time, Śrīnivāsa Ācārya Prabhu explained various topics as per scriptures addressing Rāmacandra Kavirāja who had very beautiful bodily features resembling that of the Cupid. Rāmacandra Kavirāja became overwhelmed with astonishment by hearing his sweet advice and by seeing his bodily lustre like the Sun’s. After returning home he left his house at night and came to Ācārya in Yājigrāma. He surrendered unto Śrīnivāsa Ācārya Ṭhākura. In this way, Śrīnivāsa Ācārya Prabhu, with his dear associates exhibited many pastimes there. Some amongst so many transcendental pastimes are still present there which proclaim the glories of the Śrīpāṭa.

At the entrance of the temple there is a pukura (Pond) called Dāla-pukura as cooked pulses (Dāla) were kept there once by Jāhṇavā mātā during the festival.There is Rājā Vīrhāmbīra Dighī (King Vīrhāmbīra Lake) at the bank where Rāmacandra Kavirāja heard advices from Śrīnivāsa Ācārya. Presently that lake is silted-up. Nimba-tree used for brushing teeth, shoes of Śrīnivāsa Ācārya Prabhu, and one Tamāla tree are present there. Once upon a time Vīracandra Prabhu took his seat under this Tamāla tree. Śrī Śrī Gaura-Nitāi worshiped by Śrīnivāsa Ācārya Prabhu look very beautiful in the temple. Along with Them one medium sized Deity of Nitāi-Gaura given by the king of Bardhamāna is very charming. Besides all these, Śrī Vaṁśīvadana, Rādhā Madanamohana, Viṣṇu Priyājī, Six-handed Gaurāṅga and Gopāla Deities are also worshiped in the temple.


Shripat Jajigram Chaitanno Mondir, SH6, Jajigram, West Bengal


Shripat Jajigram Chaitanno Mondir, SH6, Jajigram, West Bengal
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